Need a New Roof?
Roof Problem Signs to Look For
Your roof might need to be repaired or replaced and you might not even know it. Some signs of roof damage can linger for months or even years before you discover them. Then when you do discover certain problems, like a leak from your ceiling, your roof (and possibly other parts of your home) has already experienced severe damage.
It’s important to spot these issues as early as possible in order to avoid major, more costly repairs. We encourage all homeowners to regularly turn their attention skyward for these roof problem signs.
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The most obvious indication of roof damage is a leak. Whether you need to bring in the buckets or you’ve just noticed a bit of condensation inside, a leak is the biggest sign you can get to call a professional roofer immediately.
Shingle Damage
If you have major shingle damage, you should be able to see it from street level. Any cracking, curling, buckling shingles can point to bigger issues with your roof. If you’re missing shingles altogether, it’s definitely time for an inspection.
Wood Rot
When a roof with poor insulation gets wet and can’t dry, wood rot is soon to follow. Wood rot can occur all over your roof, from under the shingles themselves to the fascia board and soffit to the rafters in your attic. Any sign of rot is cause for serious concern.
Interior Stains
Water stains aren’t just unsightly; they can also be signs of major problems. See, when water comes in through your roof, it doesn’t usually travel in a direct pattern to the site of the stain. Water often takes a slow, meandering path that can affect your whole house in the process.
Mold, Mildew, and Algae
There’s no doubt that mold can be incredibly harmful for your family’s health, but did you know that mildew and algae can also develop due to larger roof issues? Each look a little different—and can point to completely different issues.
Rising Energy Bills
Are your energy bills through the roof? (Sorry, we had to.) If your bills are rising month over month, the culprit could be your roof. A damaged roof can mean heat escapes in the winter while your air conditioning has to work double-time in the summer.
Contact Us Today!
To get started, call Tittle Brothers Construction for your free inspection and estimate today!
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Or fill out an online request for a free in-home estimate on your roofing project.